Art Gallery Data
Art Gallery Data was developed by an artist for artists! Its intent is to streamline the flow of an artist's artwork and its related data between the artist, their web site, galleries, show entries, facebook, instagram and etc. If you are tired of trying to keep track of your electronic portfolio, Art Gallery Data is for you.
Art Gallery Data is different from other group, gallery and art sites. It allows you to keep your own unique identity on your domain, yet utilizes a full service content management system that easily integrates your related art data with galleries and art show entries. Store your art data and distribute the fields of your choice to your domain web site, and show and gallery web sites. Added options include emailing your digitally generated art show entries, printing display cards and sales lists for shows.
Be mobile friendly, generate thumbnails that suit your style, and allow us to generate search engine optimized (SEO) friendly web addresses (URLs) from your content. Make your site a go to place for local arts events with our event management uploads. Share, support, and expand your professional development using either private or public blog posts for creative thoughts, tips, and critiques of your chosen medium and technique with other artists in our network. In no time you will build a distinct web presence to generate traffic in your direction!
Artists Setting Trends

Swans, I - Painting, h: 24.00" w: 36.00" oil on canvas