'Coaching four-in-hand, III' by Gail Dee Guirreri Maslyk

  • Art Type: Painting
  • Medium: oil
  • Material: canvas
  • Created: 2015-04-01
  • Width: 36.00"
  • Height: 36.00"
  • Price: $3,600.00
  • Current Show: Artists in Middleburg

Artist Perspective: "This composition was painted in a simple glowing palette in hopes of capturing the feel of an overwhelming day. Four in hand coaches were passing through dark pines on a sunny day making spontaneous gestures. The cool shadows contrast against the bright warmth of these two leaders as they passed by. It was my first time to see the Sporting Library Coaching Drive. That day has lead to many of my favorite canvases."

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Art by this artistContact Web Site: www.artistsinmiddleburg.org