'Meath Hunting Sidesaddle, I' by Gail Dee Guirreri Maslyk

  • Art Type: Painting
  • Medium: oil
  • Material: canvas
  • Created: 2013-09-01
  • Width: 48.00"
  • Height: 60.00"
  • Price: Meath Hunting Sidesaddle, I is unavailable

Description: "Meath Sidesaddle portrait is an impressive size of 48" x 60" tall."

Artist Perspective: "I set out to paint this large canvas just for fun. Karen Osborne Monroe took the photo of Amory McMahon in Ireland, 2010 I believe. I saw it in Horse Country and knew I had to beg permission to paint it. Since then, sidesaddle hunting and racing seems to be growing in popularity. That, or maybe I am just more aware? In any case, Karen's photo inspired me to get out there and get more material as often as possible. I took many photos this year at Oatlands Plantation Spring Races of the Mrs. George C. Everhart Memorial Invitational Sidesaddle Race. This canvas may have been the one that has challenged me the most. I am used to a painting staying wet as I paint. With the size, this one dried faster than I could keep up with. It was an amazingly successful canvas that taught me a lot about what I still had to learn!"

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Art by this artistContact Web Site: www.equine-impressions.com