'The Three Huntsmen' by Gail Dee Guirreri Maslyk

  • Art Type: Painting
  • Medium: oil
  • Material: gallery wrap canvas
  • Created: 2015-10-26
  • Width: 36.00"
  • Height: 24.00"
  • Depth: 2.00"
  • Price: $1,400.00
  • Current Show: Artists in Middleburg

Description: "This composition was started a couple years ago or more. It was a hot day for Middleburg Fall races and a few artists and I were there painting in the shade overlooking the field. Challenged by the heat, I did my under painting in hot Indian yellow, quinacridone red and some ultramarine blue to turn the orange (yellow and red) to brown. At 24"x36", the portrait detail is quite small for my hand and brushes. After studying some of Alfred Munning's quick paintings, listening to Booth Malone and Rob Van Der Zee (guest workshop instructors summer 2015 AIM) I decided it was time to step out of my comfort zone and do some experimenting. I picked a palette of Indian yellow, green gold, phthalo turquoise and quinacridone magenta and titanium zinc white, a fairly normal palette for me but a very new spectrum of color. Covering the transparent drawing in opaque allowed me to fix some of the drawing issues I had left. Once the soft peach sky started to be painted in, the heat of the day flowed into the rest of the composition. Only a few dark lines show through from the under painting; normally all my drawing shows. These lines intensified the heat to me; a complete surprise. The figures soften into the entire landscape and handle my portrait problem effectively. If you know the way a person sits on a horse, you know who they are and that is all that is needed in this composition. If you know how a huntsman allows the reins down for a horse to graze, you know how those reins are being held on the middle horse. Very refreshing for me!"

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Art by this artistContact Web Site: www.artistsinmiddleburg.org