'Brahman Bull, I' by Gail Dee Guirreri Maslyk

  • Art Type: Painting
  • Medium: oil
  • Material: canvas
  • Created: 2011-01-01
  • Width: 36.00"
  • Height: 48.00"
  • Price: Brahman Bull, I is unavailable

Artist Perspective: "I visited the Brahman bulls at a bull stud and was absolutely taken by their powerful yet calm presence not to mention their voluptuous skin, muscle and mass! Amazing creatures they are. In these canvases I set out to capture these qualities. Brush strokes, color etc,.yes. But size is where I have fun with these bulls. One can only imagine what it is like to come face to face with one of these bulls in a small space when it is life or close to life size. I could fill my studio with the drawings alone at this scale (36" x 60") just to be surrounded by them."

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Art by this artistContact Web Site: www.equine-impressions.com